Walter and Zoniel

About the artist

Walter and Zoniel

For Walter, the urban landscape is his most comfortable domain. Wandering the concrete complexes of his locality at night, he would respond to the terrain and the mentalities that he came across, creating pieces to inspire thought within his peers by placing them publicly, to be stumbled across in the day.  Early life illness inspired a deep fascination of the capabilities of the human mind and its perception in Zoniel, which grew into a desire to capture and represent those things through the arts. Seeking out a means to further explore this fascination, as a teenager she renounced her worldly belongings and moved to a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery where she studied meditation and Tibetan arts under the guidance of a Master Artist and many High lamas.

Their collaborative work deals predominantly with the human relationship to the sublime, manifesting in a dynamic range of physical and immersive forms. Through these means they display a commitment towards the human condition, and a deeper exploration of the mind and universe, embodying this as much within their process as in their finished artworks.


Sweet Sleepexhibits Walter & Zoniel’s commitment to weaving their individual takes on the analytical and the ethereal together. While the work formally displays a desire to utilize scientific process, by favouring the modern development of early photographic techniques, the effect is one of momentary escapism, enticing the viewer into thought, encouraging a focus on the cyclic nature of existence, the sublime, and the manner in which we allow or disallow ourselves these experiences. All of their work carries the undercurrent of their optimism and mantra that

Everything Is Possible.


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