Sarah Choo Jing

About the artist

Sarah Choo Jing
Sarah Choo Jing

Sarah Choo Jing is known for her multidisciplinary approach to photography, video and installation. Her work depicts identifiable moments and characters within contemporary urban society suggesting a plethora of private and often solitary narratives. The artist is concerned with the gaze of the flaneur, voyeurism and the uncanny.

Art of the Rehearsal is an immersive three-channel multimedia video installation. This panoramic artwork depicts traditional dancers across various cultures practising in the back lanes of the city’s cultural districts. Reflecting on the rigorous and intense training behind the performance, Choo seeks to bring out the consistent determination of the performers. The emphasis here is on the process rather than on the final outcome.


The A-I Gallery awarded the 2021 LUMEN Art & Technology Prize - 3D/Installation prize to Sarah Choo Jing (b.1990, Singapore) for her most recent installation titled Zoom, Click, Waltz. It premiered during Singapore Art Week in Jan 2021 & is currently exhibited at the Daegu Photo Biennale. Jury panellists include a number of esteemed curators. More details on the work & award.


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